Saturday, November 12, 2011

PruBSN Ummah

PRUDENTIAL BSN Takaful Bhd (PruBSN), yakin dapat memberi manfaat kepada umat Islam yang merangkumi kira-kira 60.4 peratus daripada jumlah penduduk negara ini menerusi produk terbarunya, PruBSN Ummah yang menawarkan pelan lengkap mengandungi komponen perlindungan dan simpanan bagi menunaikan haji serta umrah.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya, Azim Mithani berkata, memandangkan kos menunaikan ibadat haji semakin meningkat, pihaknya mengambil inisiatif bagi membantu mengurangkan kos bakal jemaah haji, sekali gus memenuhi keperluan mereka melalui kaedah yang baru dan menarik.

Katanya, menerusi PruBSN Ummah umat Islam mampu memiliki simpanan sampingan sebagai persediaan menghadapi kemungkinan peningkatan kos menunaikan haji pada masa depan.

“PruBSN Ummah adalah pelan takaful keluarga yang pertama di pasaran, direka khusus untuk membantu umat Islam memenuhi tanggungjawab agama mereka.

“PruBSN Ummah juga adalah satu pelan fleksibel kerana simpanan boleh dikeluarkan bagi tujuan menunaikan umrah dan bagi yang mempunyai akaun Tabung Haji, mereka tidak perlu mengusik simpanan yang dikhususkan bagi ibadat haji,” katanya di majlis pelancaran PruBSN Ummah di Kuala Lumpur, semalam.

Azim berkata, ciri lain yang menarik mengenai PruBSN Ummah adalah dikategorikan sebagai pelan semua dalam satu, iaitu manfaat perlindungan yang ditawarkan kepada pelanggan termasuk jaminan kewangan kepada waris jika berlaku kematian atau hilang upaya kekal.

Menurutnya, jika ditakdirkan orang yang dilindungi meninggal dunia atau mengalami hilang upaya kekal sebelum sempat menunaikan haji, PruBSN dengan kerjasama pihak ketiga akan menguruskan badal haji untuk pihak terbabit. SOURCE

Prudential BSN Launches PruBSN Ummah

Source  :  BERNAMA On-Line
Friday, 26 November 2010

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 25 (Bernama) -- Prudential BSN Takaful Bhd (PruBSN) has launched its latest family takaful plan, PruBSN Ummah, that offers Muslim customers spiritual fulfillment, protection and savings.

Its Chief Executive Officer Azim Mithani said among the benefits that customer will get from the product are savings for haj or umrah, Badal Haj, rewards for being a loyal customer, financial security for untimely passing, total or permanent disability, critical illness coverage and will writing.

"PruBSN Ummah is a first-of-its-kind family takaful plan that is specifically designed to help Muslim brethren or ummah realise their religious obligations and at the same time provide them with the expected protection and savings," he said at the launching ceremony of the product.

PruBSN Ummah is for people aged between 19 and 60 with minimum monthly contribution of RM50.

During the launch, PruBSN also signed a memorandum of understanding with Amanah Raya Bhd to provide Islamic will writing services to the participants of the plan, which will further strengthen the value of the product for the targeted muslim market.

Amanah Raya Chief Marketing Officer Ahmad Saruji Abdul Aziz said with its latest partnership with PruBSN, the company hopes to register 500,000 will writing by year-end from 460,412 wills registered as at October this year.

Currently, Amanah Raya has 16 partners and plans to have another five next year.


PruBSN Ummah laksana haji badal bagi peserta tak sempat ke Makkah


DARIPADA Fadl bin Abbas, seorang wanita dari Bani Khats'am berkata: "Wahai Rasulullah SAW! Sesungguhnya Allah sudah mewajibkan haji kepada hamba-Nya, bapaku seorang yang sudah berumur, tidak mampu mengadakan perjalanan, apakah boleh aku menghajikannya?” Rasulullah SAW menjawab: Boleh."

Orang Muslim yang hendak menunaikan badal haji perlu mengikuti syarat antaranya mereka terlebih dulu sudah menunaikan haji untuk diri sendiri dengan sempurna, hanya menunaikan haji untuk seorang saja pada satu-satu musim haji dan melakukan haji mengikut yang diamanahkan.

Diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Abbas, Rasulullah SAW mendengar seorang lelaki berkata: “Aku penuhi panggilan-Mu untuk Syabramah. Rasulullah SAW bertanya: “Apakah engkau telah melaksanakan haji untuk dirimu? Ia menjawab: Belum. Baginda bersabda: Hajilah untuk dirimu kemudian laksanakan haji untuk Syabramah.” 

Sebut saja amalan menunaikan haji untuk mereka yang sudah meninggal dunia serta yang hilang upaya kekal, boleh dikatakan semua umat Islam mengetahui mengenainya tetapi ada juga keliru apabila bertemu dan mendengar terma ‘haji badal’.

Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad yang menawarkan pelan takaful PruBSN Ummah sejak 3 November lalu menerima banyak pertanyaan mengenai badal haji yang termasuk dalam manfaat diterima peserta pelan takaful berkenaan.

Pegawai Syariah Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad, Mohammed Farouq Abdul Jalil, berkata badal yang bermakna ganti adalah haji yang ditunaikan oleh seseorang untuk orang lain yang layak menunaikan ibadat itu tetapi tidak berkemampuan disebabkan keuzuran atau sudah meninggal dunia.

Justeru katanya, bagi memenuhi niat peserta PruBSN Ummah yang menyimpan dengan pelan itu tetapi tidak kesampaian untuk menunaikan haji, hasrat itu akan ditunaikan melalui haji badal yang terangkum dalam manfaat pelan takaful PruBSN Ummah. 

“Inilah keunikan pelan takaful PruBSN Ummah sebagai pelan komprehensif kerana selain faedah perlindungan, pelan ini turut mengambil kira tujuan asal peserta menabung iaitu untuk menunaikan haji dan umrah.

PruBSN Ummah

Friday 17/06/2011

An innovative plan that provides spiritual fulfillment, protection and savings

KUALA LUMPUR, 17 June 2011 –

“I have never thought of saving to perform my Hajj duties with Tabung Haji until I was approached by a PruBSN agent to opt for their PruBSN Ummah plan,” said Khairul Mohamad, a 33 year old entrepreneur from Kuala Lumpur. Khairul who opened a Tabung Haji account after he participated in PruBSN Ummah thoroughly believes that the product made him more receptive to save towards his Hajj pilgrimage expenses. “I am thankful for the PruBSN Ummah product, without which I would probably neglect to save for my Hajj and would not have realised it until it was too late,” said Khairul. 

PruBSN Ummah, a unique product offering by Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad (PruBSN) has recorded impressive figures since its launch just five months ago. Since November 2010 up to the first quarter of 2011, more than 3,500 certificates have been subscribed to, amounting to approximately RM4.3 million in annualised contribution income (ACI) for the company. The PruBSN Ummah, which is a one of a kind family takaful plan designed specifically for Muslim customers, is the first product in the takaful market to offer spiritual fulfillment as well as protection and savings to participants. As such, PruBSN Ummah continues to be our proud tradition as a product leader in the Takaful industry. 

Prudential BSN Takaful, Malaysia, receives Rising Star Takaful Award

Prudential BSN Takaful - Rising Star Takaful Award
Prudential BSN Takaful (PruBSN) has been awarded the Rising Star Takaful Institution 2011 award from the ‘The Asset,’ a Hong Kong based publishing and research group. The award was received by Mr Azim Mithani, Chief Executive Officer of PruBSN, at a ceremony in Kuala Lumpur in early September.
The Asset Triple A Awards: Islamic Finance, are international awards which honour shariah-compliant finance companies worldwide in various categories. The awards have been running for over 20 years.
Upon receipt of the award, Mr Mithani said, “This prestigious award comes as we celebrate our 5th year anniversary as an innovative and dynamic Takaful provider in the Malaysian market. We are proud that our efforts have been acknowledged and recognised through this award,” he added that the award is the reflection of its employee’s dedication and hard work. “This is their award,” he concluded.
PruBSN is joint venture between Prudential PLC and Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN). The takaful operator offers a range of innovative and tailor-made products to its wide customer base in Malaysia. These products include the PruBSN Ummah, a protection plan which combines a savings plan with a plan to help members meet their spiritual commitments (such as Hajj allowance) and the PruBSN Takaful Health2 plan, which offers a medical card and comprehensive coverage in case a member requires hospitalisation, surgery or outpatient treatment. This plan also rewards certificate holders with no claims bonus if they do not make any claim in a year. - SOURCE

Friday, November 11, 2011

PruBSN introduces PruBSN Ummah

Kuala Lumpur - 25 November, 2010. Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad (PruBSN) launches its latest product, PruBSNUmmah. Present to launch the product was Mr. Azim Mithani, Chief Executive Officer of PruBSN, and witnessed by AmanahRaya Chief Marketing Officer, Encik Ahmad Saruji bin Abd Aziz.

A first-of-its-kind Family Takaful Plan that offers spiritual fulfilment as well as protection and savings for participants, PruBSN Ummah is designed specifically for Muslims customers. In his speech, Mr Mithani said, "We are extremely proud to introduce this highly innovative Takaful product as it is our enduring commitment to our customers to enable them to meet their needs in new and exciting ways."

Performing the Hajj is becoming increasingly expensive. Based on Lembaga Urusan dan Tabung Haji's latest brochure, it costs almost MYR 10, 000 (USD 3,295) to perform the Hajj with them, and something like double that if the pilgrimage is arranged by any other Hajj Travel Agency. One of the specific objectives for PruBSN Ummah was to enable prospective pilgrims to spread the cost by providing a complementary savings vehicle to their Tabung Haji savings. With PruBSN Ummah, they are able to make additional savings, which should help them reach their goal faster so when the time comes for either Hajj or Umrah, participants can withdraw part of their savings any time after the fifth certificate year.
  • Among others, PruBSN Ummah provides the following benefits for the customers - all in this one product. 
  • Savings for Hajj/Umrah and other benefits; 
  • Badal Hajj; 
  • Cash reward for being a loyal customer; 
  • Financial security against untimely passing or total and permanent disability; 
  • Critical Illness coverage; and 
  • Will Writing 

Keratan akhbar PruBSN Ummah